Mandy Sanghera Women of honour recognition recipient Divas of colour 2016.

Mandy 2Is an international human rights activists who has spent the last 26 years supporting victims and survivors of Honour Based Violence and cultural Abuse FGM , Forced Marriage , Faith Based Abuse # witchcraft

Mandy is an international motivational speaker who has spent years supporting and empowering others find their purpose and rebuild their lives after abuse .

She continually dedicates herself to her real passion of being an upstanding humanitarian . Over the past 26 years Mandy has helped hundreds of individuals and now reaches thousands through social media and her generous amount of worldwide TV appearances and public speaking engagements.

She regularly appears in international press. Mandy has been involved in several documentary , raising awareness of of Witchcraft, Cousin & forced marriages , other topics .

Mandy has been one of the leading voices for vulnerable adults and forced marriages , she was involved in writing the guidelines on disability and HBV for the forced marriages unit .

Mandy is currently working with the European Parliament re forced marriages. The report and research a final report (based on the information from the 28 EU Member States and the selected associated countries (Switzerland, Norway, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania and Turkey)

Mandy last year spoke at the European Parliament ,Yale ,kings , Warwick and other universities re the ideology of cultural Abuse

Mandy is one of the leading consultant internationally on faith abused abuse

Mandy has been involved in many Government enquires , she will be involved in the Godard Child Abuse Inquiry

Mandy has spoken at the United Nations and Amnesty International, Liberty and other NGO

Mandy has also mentored over 12 people last year through her find your mojo programme

Mandy is an ambassador and advisor for several charities and social groups . She loves empowering, supporting, enabling, inspiring others

This year Mandy will be involved in the research with The Anne Craft Trust re people with learning disabilities and forced marriages.

Mandy will be working with the Government regarding Sharia Law in the UK

Mandy will be speaking at the House of Commons regarding faith based abuse

Mandy has been supporting victims of Human Trafficking and Modern day Slavery

Mandy is working on a book and movie this year

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