Divas Ambassador category is a worthy award category of Divas of colour. The women considered for this category are women of colour whose drive, character and conduct both professionally and otherwise is worthy of emulating – they are representatives of women of colour and role models for the younger generation of women of colour. We take into consideration a lot . Which include their achievements, their efforts, their standing in the society and how their work will set standard for other women to follow. This year we have over 20 nominees for this category we had such a hard time to streamline it to our final five. The judges will go on to make the final decision and the winner will be announced on the award ceremony. We also welcome any opinion from the public to help us make the fairest decision. Email us with any comment or suggestion Who do you think should win and why. – mbwprmgt@gmail.com Pls note: This is not a voting process. Meet your Diva Ambassador finalists 2015.
Lindani Moyo is a young woman based in the United Kingdom , a single mother of 2 children . She’s a businesswoman in her own right, runs an organisation that was founded by herself on the 18th April 2013 [ Black African Women Rock] and she also runs her events planning business, that covers decorations , events planning , and equipment hire.
Her work is based on life experience and counselling diploma and working with other organisations long side her own organisation . Within a year of founding her own organisation , she was nominated by her own community for people’s choice award [ZAA] and inspirational woman award [ZIWA] and inspirational woman ward [True African Awards TAA] .
Lindani she’s a woman on a mission, looking to inspire and motivate women to pursue with their dreams. BAWR is based on community work , non profitable organisation that self funds . Lindani is a Zimbabwean young woman that wants to achieve a lot in life , not only for herself and her children but with the community as well through empowerment , inspiration and motivation towards her fellow women . BAWR aims to reach out to women globally and young women having a difficult time with building self confidence , self worth , self esteem and self believe.
Black African Women Rock , is a platform to help women build their confidence and to help boost their self esteem . We try to reach out to women who have lost hope and self believe in themselves , through mentorship , one to one meetings , this could be a phonecall or face to face meeting at a chosen and agreed place with the other party. BAWR is not a racial statement to any race , its embracing and nurturing own race. Accepting culture and our roots where we come from .
Rhoda Wilson
Rhoda Wilson was born in Lagos, Nigeria and later attended one of England’s
most successfully boarding schools, Hurtwood House in Holmbury St Mary
Dorking. A former energy credit analyst, a holder of BA in Business Studies
and Masters Degree in Financial Management, Rhoda Wilson started The Rhoda
Wilson show in 2005 on OBE TV.
In 2008 The Rhoda Wilson Show moved to BEN TV (Sky Channel 184) aired
weekly, had a viewership of circa 1,300,000 per show in 2010. With a wide
mix of subject matter, Rhoda selects her guests with the central theme of
inspiration and motivation. The 30 minute show consists of interviews based
on the lives of inspirational and growing talent across the UK. The Show ran
for eight years until 2013.
Rhoda Wilson won the public’s vote as BEST TV PRESENTER in 2009 BEFFTA
award. In 2011 she was named as one of the top twenty inspirational women of
the African Diaspora and was included in the Black Women in Europe Power
List. In the same year Rhoda was head judge for Miss Cameroun beauty
pageant. In 2012 Rhoda won Best Media Personality by the Nigerian
Entertainment & Lifestyle (NEL), made the final nominee list for Media
Professional by Women4Africa, and was shortlisted for Wise Women Award.
In the same year, Rhoda was invited by President Zuma courtesy of the South
African High Commission to the UK to attend the AU Global Diaspora Summit.
Rhoda was one of two individuals selected. In 2013, the African Women Power
Network named Rhoda as one of the top forty African women with powerful,
inspiring, and influential voices.
As well as profiling a variety of guests Rhoda Wilson has also appeared on a
number of publications, TV and radio shows including BBC World Service,
VoxAfrica, Bang Radio, BBC radio 4, MIPTV Cannes (France), February 2014
In-flight Magazine of Etihad Airways, Colourful Radio, World Content Markets
(Prague), Africast Abuja (Nigeria) and several other publications across
In 2013 Rhoda Wilson created and produced a new TV series called Housewives
and Girlfriends and was successfully launched on the 8th of March 2014.
“I believe I can make a difference because there is a need in the market and
I have incredible passion and I am committed to making this happen.” – Rhoda
Sandra Nelson Founder Lifteffects : LIFTEFFECTS hosts conferences, seminars, workshops and provides a speaking platform for those extraordinary people to share their stories, with the intention of planting the seed of hope, passion and encouragement in every person there to reach for their dreams, believe in themselves and help others become great. The atmosphere is one of passion, commitment, determination, persistence and leaves both the speakers and the audience with one question what difference have I made, what can I do to help. The ethos behind LIFTEFFECTS is what makes it so incredible.
The intent of the conference is to transform, support, build and champion causes as the speakers share their intimate, personal, family and business stories without holding back.
Sandra Nelson who set up this world-class Conference is the founder of LIFTEFFECTS says that it is not about the glory or fame of a person but is about recognizing that the greatest gift we can give is by telling our stories so people can learn from it. The greatest legacy we can leave is that of stewardship to leave things better than we met it and the greatest purpose and dream is that which involves helping people without such there is no true purpose or dream. If such is the mentality of many not about individual glory or fame our world will be better because everyone is helping and supporting.
She says that she understands that alone she can run fast but together and collectively an impact can be made and a crusade started that will outlive even our existence when we are far gone and our message come in very simple,passionate,
LIFTEFFECTS recognizes that every person that has sacrificed their time, money and energy to help someone to stand while still standing is a true star and such people are usually given a recognition star award for making a real difference in the lives of many and our world.
It is open to diverse audience, business owners and non-business owners, professionals and non-professionals, speakers and non-speakers, leaders, entrepreneurs ,mumterpreneurs , dadterpreneurs, government officials ,employed ,media and it gives one an opportunity to meet and network with real people as well as learn so much, It is usually a life changing moments.
Rita Nzelu, Anambra State-born actress and a mother of one is an actress who is very much loved by all. Her appearance in Living in Bondage where she played the role of Tina, a call girl, still remains something to talk about. Rita, before she left the shores of the country also featured in several other works. Rita Nzelu has been in the industry for quite a while and can rightly be referred to as a veteran of Nollywood. She knows how to deliver each role she plays especially comedies where she often pairs with Nkem Owoh.
Rita Nzelu is a film Actress, producer, and model. Started acting since 1990. She has featured in over 100 movies, won awards such as best behaved actress, Centenary Award etc . At a time when Nigeria’s bubbly movie industry was picking up for what it has become today, Rita Nzelu, left the shores of Nigeria almost a decade ago.
Now known as Mrs Okoro, she currently lives in London with her Husband and Son. A decade ago, when talented veteran actress, Rita Nzelu Okoro adored the silver screens on a regular basis, not many thought that for a long time, she would become a scare commodity. According to her “My leaving, when I did, was not intentional. I got married and needed to move, to stay with my husband and have a family once and for all. Everything happened so fast, but the good thing is that I have been up-to-date with happenings in the industry,” she says.
Now returning to the profession that gave her fame, Rita is marking her comeback with new movies. Her most recent project is the just concluded movies, International games, “Adambano” with Queen Nwokoye. The film “Adambano in London” is set to be one of the funniest movies in 2014. She also as her own new movies psalm 91 and Jacucci produced by the veteran herself which will be out soon before the end of the year.
This time, her return on big screens. The prolific actress starred in a flick titled ‘International Games’. The film was premiered in London. Ghanaian star actress, Jackie Appiah; British actor, Gareth McChlery and others dazzled in the movie. The film is tagged ‘Green-card style Nigerian comedy’. ‘International Games’ tells the story of ‘’Mma’’, a Nigerian illegal immigrant who needs papers to stay in the UK and decides to dupe a resident, Richard, to enable her to get them. Unfortunately, she has to keep up the pretence of being a Nigerian princess in order to keep him, which leads to a grand charade. Rita Nzelu Okoro has featured in several commercials some of which includes VIP Photon Tank and Lomo Mobile in the UK.
Born and raised in Edo State, Theodora Ibekwe-Oyebade originally hails from Owerri in Imo State, Nigeria. Considered a child prodigy by her primary tutors, Theodora’s parents wanted her to pursue education as far as she could take it. This led to a certificate in Education at Auchi Polytechnic, Edo State and later on she studied Accounting at the University of Lagos.
Even though she excelled in academics, Theodora also greatly admired entertainers and all things entertainment. After her University education, she decided to move to the UK in order to seek out other opportunities.
The multi-award winner and who regularly graces the cover of UK-African magazines, she founded the Miss Elegant international a beauty pageant in 2009. This really propelled her
into the limelight and a few years later, she took the pageant one step further with the Miss Elegant international TV show. The TV show aired on the only African TV station at the time; BEN TV. Through this medium, she became a well-known promoter in the African-UK entertainment industry. An avid entrepreneur at heart, she then became a Director with Starlywood which is a competition-based talent show, which is aimed at discovering young Black talent in the UK. With offers pouring in from African celebrities like
Clarion Chukwurah, Omotola Jalade Ekeinde, John Utaka, Ken Smart, Pauline
Long, Dayo Olomu etc for her to promote and consult on their entertainment projects, Theodora then created Theodora PR, a media and consultancy PR firm for Black talent in the diaspora(www.theodoraibekwepr.
A chance encounter as a stand-in MC at an event introduced her to a film producer.
Incidentally, the producer was casting for a new movie with Nollywood star Jim Iyke, and
was so impressed by her performance that he offered her the lead role. This led to her big break in movies. She then went on to star in other movies and last February 2013, took on her first role as a producer for the drama Shameful Deceit.
She also recently produced her first stage drama Franz Kafka’s “Metamorphosis” adapted by Nick Pelas.
Theodora Ibekwe -Oyebade recently tied the knot and the budding entrepreneur continues to create opportunities for herself in the UK-African entertainment industry.
Supports and helped raised funds for Clarion Chukwura’s charity
Supports fund raising for Theodora children’s Trust UK
Supported and fundraised for the John Utaka foundation
Supported and fundraised for Ngozi Nwosu’s Kidney Treatment
Award of Excellence 2008
Love to work charity organisation 2008
M&M Award of Excellence 2009-M&M 2009
Personal Achievement Award 2010
Women in Enterprise Award 2010
Recognition Award 2010
Pride of the Motherland 2010
Special Industry Award 2011
Africulture Award 2011
Female Personality of the Year Award 2011
Life-Changers Award 2011
African Entertainment Icon 2012
CEPAN Africa Award 2012
Gathering of Africa’s Best Award (GAB) 2012
Nigerian Events Awards UK 2013
Lift Effects Award 2013
Iroko TV UK based actress Award 2013 organised by NUBAA
ZAFAA Recognition Award 2013
BEFFTA Awards 2013 Best Producer
BEFFTA Awards 2013 Rising Star Award
Naija FM Recognition Award 2013
Face of ZAFAA 2013/2014
Others Credits & Events/Shows Organised:
Miss Nollywood UK 2008
Miss Elegant UK 2009
Clarion Chukwurah Foundation Fund raising 2009
Miss Elegant International 2010
Women for Africa Award Organising committee member
John Utaka Foundation 2012
CANUK Dinner for the Nigerian Olympians 2012
Ngozi Nwosu Fund-raising event
Shameful Deceit Film Premiere UK
The Brief Case Film Premiere UK
Heartless Carer Film Premiere UK
Zafaa Award 2013 (organising committee members UK)
Television Programmes:
Christian Drama on Passion TV 2007
Arize talk show on Passion TV (Presenter) 2008
Everyday life on Ben TV (TV Series) 2008-2012
Talk show on Ben TV 2008
Miss Elegant Reality TV show on Ben TV 2011
“Shameful Deceit” Audition TV show
TV Commercials:
Magnificent Boutique Advert 2011
Heavy Mama in London 2008
Amina 2011 (Cameo)
Shattered Hearts 2012
Ikpaya 2012
The Broken Bride 2012
Life is a Journey (Labo) 2012
Heartless Carer 2012
Shameful Deceit 2013 (produced by my humble self)
Battered 2013
Purity of Heart 2013
At Home Abroad (TV Drama series, still in production) 2014
18 Carat Mama 2013
Mum, Dad Meet Sam (Post Production) 2014
Housewives & Girlfriends TV series (Pre-Production) 2014
Psalm 91 2014
Jacuzzi (Principal photography in progress) 2014
Further info can be also found here: www.theodoraibekwepr.com
Shameful Movie Website: www.shamefuldeceitmovie.com
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To Whom It May Concern
Re – Sandra Nelson Founder Lifteffects :
I will like this award to be given to Sandra Nelson. Sandra may not be an actress, however, she has created transformational experience by organizing events with aim of bringing women together to share their experiences and knowledge. This has helped women build on their great ideas and knowledge by attending conferences and coming in contact with Sandra. She is a woman that enjoys seeing people come out of problems. She has encouraged lots of women who were passing through one problem or the other start a new life and by so doing they get better.
Sandra has helped women who have lost hope in life build their confidence by teaching them on how to believe in themselves and develop the “I can do it” mentality. Sandra and her husband have helped people who were trying to stand on their feet succeed. She has affected people’s lives both in giving and by encouraging them to stand and never give up.
Sandra has personally affected people’s lives in great ways. She is woman of honour, integrity and virtue.
Therefore, with these few points, I am suggesting that the award should be given to Sandra Nelson.
Thank you.
Aquillar Okparocha