Joy Adenuga is a London Based Makeup Artist. Specialising in Beauty, Commercial/Advertising, Fashion/Editorial, TV/Film, Publication, Red Carpet and Weddings. Trained at the London School of Makeup.
Joy has a natural ability with makeup, a bubbly personality, a keen eye for detail and deep understanding of all skin tones. Having worked with Global Brands, Celebrities/TV Personalities, Top Photographers and Creatives in the Industry, her work has appeared in several Luxury Uk and International Magazines.
Joy is a Beauty Expert, a Freelance Beauty Contributor with BlackHair Magazine responsible for directing and creating looks for their popular 4 page Beauty spreads and also a Freelance Columnist with Black Beauty & Hair Magazine responsible for creating “How to” looks for makeup enthusiasts.
She is also the Beauty Editor to Online Magazine – www.thehairdresserseyes
Marieka Stylz whose high profiled wealth of talents and experiences is reputable within the UK, Asian, Afro Caribbean and Mainstream Hair and Beauty industries. Marieka has been fashion and beauty industry for about 20 years and within this time she has acquired excellent skills and experiences Bespoke Hair styling, Make-up Artistry, Beauty Therapy, Alternative therapy, Presenting, Stage and fashion Design. She also specializes in organizing Fashion Shows, Creative Directing , Fashion Styling, and Back stage co-ordination.
Marieka is interminably reliable, enthusiastic and works amazingly with diversified teams of professional Designers, choreographers, models, stage managers, make-up artists and hairstylists who work passionately to enhance performance to her fullest potential.
Marieka work has been published in many prestigious magazine across the UK and websites across the world, many of which includes VOGUE, BLACK HAIR AND BEAUTY, C.HUB MAGAZINE and most recently LIVERPOOL LIFESTYLE magazine.
Marieka has just been ask to become the beauty editor for a new, fresh and informative magazine. This goes hand in hand with marieka creating a line of makeup for bellisimo cosmetics for which she already an ambassador.
Marieka was recently nominated for Best Make –up Artiste at the BEFFTA awards. Black Entertainment Film, Fashion Television Award and DIVA OF COLOUR .Alongside all these ever growing attributes and outstanding achievements, Marieka’s foundation resides in her spirituality, faith, community and love.
Marieka has worked numerous shows for leading Fashion Designers and managed Beauty and Hair Salon in the UK. A few of the shows she has worked on is in the following:
August 2003- September 2006- Managed Your Image Salon
October 2006 – November 2007 – Managed Body and Soul Fashion Boutique
December 2007 – July 2011 – Managed, Trained junior Hairstylist at Avorm London
August 2013 – Stylist for Africa Fashion Week
September 2013 – Hair and Fashion styling for Fashion Finest London Fashion Week
October 2013 – Hairstylist for Miss Borough UK
October 2013 – Hairstylist for Liverpool Fashion Week
November2013 – Hair and Make –up for Miss Nubian UK
November 2013 2014 – Make –up Artiste for Miss Jamaica UK
November 2013 – Hairstylist for C-Hub magazine Anniversary Fashion show
November 2013 – Fashion Styling Mahogany Bridal Show
December 2013 – Head Makeup artiste for Pride of the Motherland
December 2013 – Make =up Artiste for music video I love Africa by Mr. Jayvic directed Pauline Long
February 2014 –Head of Make –up L’ art de La Mode London Fashion Week
August 2014 – Fashion stylist for Africa Fashion Week
September 2014 –Head of Hair and Make -up LFW – L’art de La Mode “Midnight in Rio
October 2014 – Hair and Make-up Artiste for Liverpool Fashion Week
At the moment She’s studying Art and Fashion Design. I am also the ambassador for Bellisimo Cosmetics and is also working on Pride of the Motherland 2014 and L’art de; La Mode, “Midnight in Rio” Liverpool.
profile yet to be received.
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