Thursday 18 December 2014 – Dr Kem establishes a strong association with Divas of colour on the second edition of the largest gathering of worlds most powerful women of colour to be held in March 2015 in London.
After attending the event as a VIP guest at the debut event earlier this year, Dr Kem has decided to become an associate sponsor for the 2015 edition.
Dr Kem says, “I decided to sponsor Divas of Colour because after attending the event last year I saw how empowering and inspiring it could be for women from various backgrounds to think outside the box and achieve all they were capable of. I wanted to support such an initiative as it is in line with my values.
Faustina Anyanwu the founder of Divas of colour says, “this is another remarkable and crucial support we’ve received for Divas of colour, when you have people who actually attended the event, seen for themselves and then decide to come on as a sponsor, it gives an amazing feeling. It really gives you the courage to keep improving on what is already great. I and the team are very grateful to Dr Kem for this kind gesture. It is a very big deal for us.”
Divas of colour 2015, will be showcasing some of the best brands targeted to women of colour during the day trade show section of the event and in the evening, will be hosting great women designers, models and powerful and achieving women for the award ceremony. As well as fundraising for our chosen charity – Depression Alliance.
Dr Kem brand will have a wide visibility both at the trade show and at the evening ceremony, an opportunity for women to access her unique and highly sort after healthy lifestyle message and services. Women will be able to sign up to her training through the Divas of colour platform.
The ‘Dr Kem’ brand is fast being associated with Healthy Lifestyle Training that delivers Real World Results.
Dr Kem, a celebrated, respected, multi-award-winning Healthy Lifestyle GP, International Speaker and Author, is highly sought after for her unique brand of medicine which focuses on identifying and treating illness from its Root Cause rather than focus on external symptoms.
Her specialty is PREVENTING and REVERSING ‘Lifestyle Diseases’ such as Hypertension, Diabetes Type 2, Certain Cancers, Obesity and Overweight using Healthy Lifestyle Principles.
To this end she delivers practical Healthy Lifestyle Seminars and Workshops around London. She is also an internationally sought after Keynote Speaker on issues relating to Health as the First Wealth.
Dr Kem is the first Nigerian medic to open a Lifestyle Medicine clinic on London’s prestigious Harley Street (The Healthy Lifestyle Clinic on 10 Harley Street, London) and also holds consultations by skype, phone and internet chat.
She is often sought by the media to give her advice and opinion on Healthy Lifestyle-related issues, and was recently appointed by BBC Radio 5 Live as a Health & Lifestyle Expert Advisor.
A prolific writer, Dr Kem is widely published online has one book published offline and is working to complete another due out in 2015. On her website she offers visitors a FREE book titled ’10 Big Lies That Are Keeping You Sick, Fat & Tired All The Time!’ – get your copy over at www.doctorkem.com .
As Dr Kem always says: “Prioritise your health; If you don’t take the time NOW to cultivate healthy lifestyle habits, you’ll be FORCED LATER to make time to be ill in hospital.”
About Divas of colour
Divas of colour is the largest gathering of worlds most powerful women of colour from around the globe. It made its debut earlier in March 2014 at Hilton Hotel Tower bridge London. Divas of colour is designed to celebrate, recognise, reward and discover the best of women of colour . The only inclusive event that unites women of colour from everywhere in the world, including African, Caribbean, Asian, Brazilian and every woman of colour from anywhere in the world.
For further information please contact
Divas of colour Press team
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