Diva artist finalists 2015.

Our two beautiful song birds up for the award this year are super talented in their own rights. Each on a different genre yet their talents do not cease to shine through. Again there is no nominations as the final decision will be made by the judges. However, if you have any favourite, we would like to hear from you. Leave a message below at the comment box. Your comments may be our last resort for making a decision. Thank you.


Boma DiriBoma Diri is one of the most exciting talents expected to do big things in the UK Gospel scene. She was Season 2 Winner of the TV Show Time2Shine
Boma Diri (Boma meaning “God’s Blessing”) is a critically acclaimed, UK based, contemporary gospel singer whose musical style is couched in the inspirational tones of worship, wrapped around a soulful core that enhances the best of the R&B musical tradition.

A graduate with a BSc in Psychology, Boma has always been concerned with doing what she can to improve the human condition. The word psychology is of course derived from the Greek word psyche, meaning ‘soul’ or ‘mind.’ Boma, through her music, certainly touches the souls and minds of the many for the better.

London born to parents of Nigerian origin and growing up in East London, Boma has been singing from a very early age. Her impressive beginnings as a member of her church choir soon saw her being called forward to deliver solo vocal pieces. She began to realise that her singing touched people in a way that was truly a blessing, both for her and for them. Boma came to see that this was a God given gift and that she should not only nurture it on a personal level, but also apply it to ministering the gospel.

Boma’s life experiences, good and bad, would have seen a less able person buckle under a weight of self-disbelief and trauma. Such real life experiences crystalized in Boma the realisation that she had a calling, indeed a responsibility, to reach out to those only she can touch using her talent for song. Through her interpretation of gospel music Boma carries out God’s work, uplifting and motivating all who hear to rise up and move towards realising their full potential. Her music administers to the souls and minds of the people, bringing “upful” messages that are rooted in the gospel.

For Boma Diri, Yolanda Adams, Kiki Sheard, Nicole C. Mullen, Tim Hughes, Matt Redman and Shei Atkins have been most inspirational in her development as an artist. Her musical journey saw her recently enter the Premier Gospel Choir auditions in 2011. She was chosen as one of the 40 who made it into the final choir. A year later Boma went on to win the Time2Shine UK Gospel Talent Search as a solo artist.

So far 2013-2014 has seen Boma, amongst other endeavours,  launching her debut album ‘Leap of Faith’ which she performed live in concert at Cadogan Hall. She has performed live at the London’s O2 Arena as well as at the Barbados Gospelfest. She has a feature in a lead Music Week article examining the current state and future potential for Gospel Music in the UK and internationally as well as two music videos including one for her debut single ‘Glow’. Boma is currently in the studio working on her next project.


RoucheonRoucheon  Iloyi is a creative entrepreneur leading the way to inspire many women to live their best lives.
A performance artist in true form her music has touched thousands of people around the world.
Founder of FEROmedia, the Global brand that streams art in all forms from film production to music videos, the brand continues to set the pace sharing ground breaking media.
MTV award winner, Women4Africa award winner, BBI award winner, BEFFTA award winner, WWA nominee, Mobo nominee, the multi talented songstress has been honoured for her contribution to the industry.
Hailed as ‘The Next best thing to come out of the UK’ on Thisis50.com, Roucheon is a singer, songwriter, producer, and lyrical MC who brings a hip-hop edge to her soulful sound.
With 12 albums released to date, a catalogue of videos and a documentary series the world is paying close attention to this rising star.
Her musical history began in childhood growing up she was surrounded by performance as her mother Charlene Robertson, a number 1 selling artist in Zimbabwe exposed her to the music business and stage very early on.  Music was and always has been a natural part of her life. Through her teens she developed her love for poetry, writing and rhyme, learning of the hip-hop culture from where she became part of a group called Royal priesthood. The group became an instant success, went on to impact the underground hip-hop scene as well as getting attention from major labels.  With their dynamic stage presence and heartfelt music Royal priesthood represented family and an authentic sound that had transformative power for the listener. Ahead of their time, pioneers with relentless productivity, their choice to build independence was influential and gained the respect of their peers.
As well as music Roucheon has an instinct for fashion and design; in 2010 she launched a jewellery line called Love Royelle, a collection of handcrafted pieces as unique and elegant as she is.  The gorgeous range quickly caught the attention of woman nationwide and the underlining theme was the beauty of womanhood, love and royalty.
Having a passion for people is essential to her work.
Over the years she has taken on many causes.  Being a founding member of ‘Urban Truths’ a showcase started back in 2000 to reach the wider community about social issues led her to work alongside, ITV, MAG and a wide network of artists to use their talents as a voice to affect change.
She has been a spokesperson for the Platform2 initiative sponsored by DFID (Department for International Development).  The project was one that enabled almost 2000 18 to 25 year olds to visit a developing country and get involved with global issues of justice and poverty.
She has a passion for women and has been a speaker, motivator and mentor to many through her creative art and lifestyle.   Her body of work has been instrumental in helping many to become self aware and empowered. 

Roucheon as a solo artist released her debut album this May called ‘Love Royelle’  from which the title tracks ‘Never Gone’ and ‘Midnight Melody’ once again had DJ’s worlwide locked in.  This release was Independent on her record label FEROrecords into the national charts.   It has been soaring and made it to number 24 in the iTunes chart.   She continues to break ground and it is easy to recognise that she is a certified star rising with incredible talent.  She continues to be a sort after female lyricist and her vocals have been described as ‘Evocative and Hauntingly beautiful’ life changing.  She has the ability to touch the soul and has a powerful presence that makes people believe.  She takes full creative control, is responsible for her image and clearly understands her  brand.

She is also a director playing a vital role onset when it comes to her videos.  Her media work includes clients such as BET and Centric networks in the USA with whom she’s worked on in the production of television advertising.
As well as managing a thriving business Roucheon finds time to balance being a wife and mother to three very talented young boys.  One of those boys 2year old Khaliyl, stared in a special clip of him rapping.  It went viral, was aired on all major TV networks worldwide, featured on the websites of major celebrities and even appearing on The Ellen Degeneres show.  Her oldest son Kieyen has embarked on a solo career at the tender age of 9 having released 2 music video singles and a clothing line ‘I Get A’s’ encouraging children to get good grades in school.
Her family is a true representation of the wealth of African culture as she is Zimbabwean and her husband Nigerian.
Together they have created an empire that has independently reached the world on an international level distributing music on their own record label, with mainstream success.

This beautiful young superwoman is a force of sheer love, excellence and determination.


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