Dr Nkem Ezeilo

Dr Nkem Ezeilo
DR NKEM: SPECIALTY- Health, Wellbeing & Peak Performance/Productivity

Dr Nkem is a GP, Author and Award-winning Speaker who is passionate about helping people improve their lives using healthy lifestyle strategies. She qualified as a medical doctor in 1997 and as a Peak Performance Coach for Business in 2004 from the University of Newcastle, though she has been a lifelong student of Personal Development and Success Strategies since 1991.

Her area of expertise is in using Healthy Lifestyle (instead of drugs) to prevent and reverse chronic disease conditions, thus improving the quality of life of her clients. She combines her strong Medical background with her background in Personal Development and an understanding of human behaviour, to help clients bring about the necessary changes in habits that lead to improved health and Peak Performance.

She helps patients reverse such conditions as obesity, overweight, diabetes type 2, hypertension, arthritis, depression, anxiety and stress – without medication. In so doing, she has helped many increase their performance, productivity and quality of life.

She has been called ‘the drug-free doctor’ and ‘the motivational medic’ for her dynamic, down-to-earth & practical presentations at seminars, workshops and events and was awarded the Women4Africa “Motivational Speaker of The Year 2013” in recognition of her efforts. Having recently overcome breast cancer, she now incorporates her winning strategies in her talks as the principles work across the board.

Her presentations often include bonus implementation sessions to enable her audience put into practice the strategies she’s talked about.

Her speaking topics include:

‘Fit Fab & Strong’ Series of seminars (‘Fit Fab Strong Women’, ‘..Men’, ‘..Teens’, ‘..Kidz’ –depending on the audience [“Healthy Lifestyle Strategies For The 21st Century”]),

The Key to Overcoming Non-Communicable Diseases

How To Create The First Wealth (“Healthy Lifestyle Strategies For Peak Performance”)

How To Lose Weight & Keep It Off

How To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes And Stay Off Your Medication

How To Treat High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Without Drugs!

Stress Management Techniques
She is available to speak at Events, Schools, Businesses, provide Wellness Workshops at the Workplace for offices/companies and is happy to tailor her presentation to suit the Clients’ requirements.

Dr Nkem loves to keep fit, try out various healthy cooking recipes, read, write, play the piano, sing and dance! She supports charities that empower communities by teaching them how to rise out of their current station rather than just giving aid and leaving them nonethewiser for it (teach them to fish rather than just giving them fish).

She has written several books including the popular ‘Inspirational Blueprints of Personal Success for women’ and is currently working on a health-based book for Black women, due out soon.

Request for DR Nkem

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