Press release: C. Hub magazine named the most informative International magazine at The Extraordinary People’s Awards US

C.Hub issue 9EPA









London, Wednesday 13 May, 2015.  C. Hub magazine has been selected as the most informative International magazine  and the publishers and chief editor Emeka Anyanwu and Faustina Anyanwu  will be honoured with  The Extraordinary People’s Awards US.

Faustina today confirms  their invitation   to  attend the  prestigious Extraordinary People’s Awards, hosted by Heal The World Mission & laExpose’ which is slated for the weekend of Sept.11-13, 2015 at the elegant Anatole Hilton, Dallas TX. USA

Heal The World Mission, aside from scholarships, provide relief materials and support to widows and the needy in terms of food, shelter, visitation and financial support. La Expose’ as well  has been providing vital business services, inspiration and motivation to the members of the organization that can’t afford professional marketing and promotions.  Extraordinary People’s Award is an international award to  honour and empower individuals to serve and lead in their global communities, amplifying their gifts through our  network of media partners, mentors and volunteers. The most outstanding achievements  are honoured at the Extraordinary People’s Awards.  More details about the award can be found here –

The publishers Faustina and Emeka Anyanwu will be honoured on the  platform  as one of the most remarkable leaders in touching the lives of many in the diaspora.

In the letter, Dr. LaVerne Adekunle & Dr. Tola Olukilede, the founders of the Extraordinary People’s awards said, “It would be awesome to honour you as  Int’l Publishers. We have a reception planned to honour you and other country leaders, including a tour of major attractions in Dallas.”

Emeka Anyanwu the Director and publisher of C. Hub magazine says, “We’re so thrilled and grateful to receive such a recognition on a prestigious international platform such as Extraordinary People’s award.”

Faustina Anyanwu, co-founder and the  Chief editor says, “It came as a shock as we weren’t expecting that our work will be making much impact in the US.  This is a very welcomed news and I can’t wait to be in the midst of highly placed people. We can only say thank you to the organisers for choosing our magazine.

C. Hub magazine is the first and only Afro-creative magazine published in the UK.  Voted the BEFFTA best magazine of the year 2014 . C. Hub magazine is the only junk free, gossip free magazine, telling the unique stories behind every creativity. Available on print, online and on the App Store.


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