Buy Your tickets: Divas of colour 2016

We’re excited to have you back for the 3rd edition of Divas of colour . This year, we promise you an even bigger, better and more daring event with our partners, exhibitors and sponsors.

Divas of colour as usual is a whole day event comprising of Trade show, fashion show and award night. Each session of the event has its separate ticket . Please make sure you’ve chosen the event you like to attend.

DATE: 26 March 2016

Time: 12 noon – 5pm, 6.30 – 11.30pm

VENUE: Hilton Hotel Tower Bridge London , SE1 2BY (2 mins walk from London Bridge tube station ;nearest station too).

Posted by Divas of colour on Monday, 22 February 2016

Frequently asked questions.

  1. Can children attend? Yes. Children can attend trade and fashion show but not in the night.
  2. Are children paying? For trade show no. For Fashion show yes children over 10 years must have their tickets.
  3. Is there packing at the venue? There is a limited parking space on the street, these are not guaranteed on a busy day.
  4. Any food or refreshments served?  Check that your ticket has that package.
  5. Will there be ticket sales at the door? NO. Ticket sales will close a week before the event.
  6. Can I attend all the events? Any concession with the tickets? Yes. See the packages below.
  7. I’m from the press. How can I get press pass? Follow the link here

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