Dr Nkem Ezeilo, Queen Theodora Oyebade recognised in London at the Afronews top 10 women of the year award.

Afronews 10 aThe AfroNews Top 10 UK – African/Caribbean Women Of The Year Awards was launched last year by The AfroNews, a publication for the Black Community in the UK. At the ceremony, HRH Queen  Theodora Ibekwe-Oyebade and Dr Nkem Ezeilo along side  Labour MP, Dianne Abbott MP,  received Special Lifetime Recognition Awards at the ceremony.

It was a glamorous and  colourful ceremony celebrating outstanding Black women in the UK  held at the Mayor’s Parlour, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London SW2 1RW.

The AfroNews Top 10 UK – African/Caribbean Women Of The Year 2014 Awards Winners are: Cllr Whitney Ihenachor; Dr Comfort Momoh MBE; Cllr Kate Anolue; Sonia Meggie; Justina Mutale; Fiona Small; Mama Charlotte Simon; Sherry Anne Dixon; Pauline Long and June Daley.

Speaking Mayor Aminu said,  “it is a great honour to have all these inspiring women in one room.  “The Mayor’s Parlour is open for you all. I’m here to support your wonderful Community projects. I would like to encourage you all to keep serving the Community to the best of your abilities. You have shown great leadership and selflessness so you all deserve the title of African/Caribbean Women of the Year.”

Stephen Ogongo Ongong’a, Editor of The AfroNews thanked the Mayor of Lambeth for endorsing and offering to host The AfroNews Top 10 UK – African/Caribbean Women Of The Year 2014 Awards.

“It is a sign of your commitment to promoting women’s economic and social empowerment,” Mr Ongong’a told Mayor Aminu.

He praised the award winners for providing continuous and selfless support to the Community. “You ladies have made a big difference in different sectors and are a great source of inspiration to me and many others,” Mr Ongong’a said. “The awards you are receiving tonight, is our simple way of thanking each one of you for your good work and noble service to our society. We hope that this ceremony will challenge our Community members, especially men, to be grateful to women for their significant contributions to the society.”

In a special thank you message, the publication editor   described Pauline Long  founder  of BEFFTA, the largest award for Black people in the UK,  as “a community champion” for working so hard to prepare the marvellous ceremony.



For images of Dr Kem and HRH Queen Theodora,

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