Kwame Koranteng bespoke tailoring to make a special showcase on divas of colour 2015.
London, 5.30pm, 14/10/2014.
We’re pleased to announce that Kwame Koranteng will be making a special showcase of his 2015 collection on Divas of colour 2015. The special arrangement goes to establish the designers support and friendship to the event – Divas of colour International women’s day. Although Kwame is a man, he is known for his unique and bespoke designs for women as well as men’s wear especially suits. Last year Kwame was one of the judges for the a Diva designer and diva face model of the event, and thus year is pleased to step up his support and love for what Divas of colour stands for.
“I’m most pleased to welcome Kwame on divas of colour catwalk . He’s coming is partly as a result of a cordial relationship that we’ve come to establish in the industry. Having had him on the judging panel on the first edition and him coming to support with a showcase this time is a huge boost ones again to the event. When you have people come back bigger to your event, it sends a huge message that you’re on the right part. I’m totally grateful to kwame for this.” Faustina Anyanwu (founder divas of colour).
Kwame says, I’m greatly happy to once again be part of Divas of colour International women’s day celebration. Fauntee has been a good friend and I think she’s done remarkably well with bringing our women together and highlighting their contributions. We need to celebrate our successes more and support causes that are relevant as Fauntee is doing with Divas of colour.”
The fashion brand will bring to the catwalk a plethora of hand picked top male models to walk the runway with Divas of colour female models to showcase in never seen before a sophisticated well choreographed showcase of bespoke men’s and women tailored suits.
Kwame Koranteng the head designer, started out in his teens sketching out daring designs of western clothing and traditional wear in Ghana. He grew up surrounded by a family who were very driven by contemporary education. He received most of his education in Technical studies and Engineering . Kwame finally migrated to the UK, he chose a prestigious college on the outskirts of Bloomsbury for his education in fashion design and tailoring. After working for a few years with George clothing line before finally setting up his own couture brand.
since the launch of Kwame Koranteng bespoke tailoring formally KKBK, the brand has become a household name with both African celebrities and people around the world.
For more details about Kwame Koranteng bespoke tailoring, please visit the website here: www.kwamekoranteng.com
About Divas of colour.
Divas of colour International women’s day is the largest gathering of worlds most powerful women of colour. A special day to celebrate, recognise, reward and discover the best of women of colour as well as tackle issues that challenge women. Each year, divas of colour chooses a charity to raise awareness with and fund for. On 2015, Divas of colour has chosen Depression Alliance as their chosen charity and will be addressing the effect of depression on families and how to seek for help.
For press enquiries and to exhibit, showcase or to become a sponsor,
Contact the organising team on: press@fauntee.com, 02035321354.
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