Dr Yvonne Thompson becomes the first ever Divas of colour Patron.
London, 21/01/2016, Organisers of Divas of colour, the largest gathering of world’s most influential women of colour, delightedly announce Dr Yvonne Thompson as their first ever Patron for the women’s forum. This is very remarkable and exciting for the organisation to have affiliation with a woman who is an epitome of a positive role model.
Dr Yvonne Thompson (CBE) is widely known as the first ever self made woman of colour millionaire in the UK. She has spent over 3 decades advocating for women in business, small businesses and the ethnic minority groups. Her book, 7 Traits of a highly successful woman on board has become a practical business handbook not just for women but for any serious entrepreneur. The book was named among the top 5 books for entrepreneurs this year by C. Hub magazine.
Speaking, Faustina Anyanwu the founder of Divas of colour said,”It is an absolute joy to have Dr Thompson as our first ever patron in our 3rd year. This means a lot to me as she is a woman I’ve admired for so long from afar. To have her on board Divas of colour means that dreams do come true. Dr Yvonne Thompson is an icon and represents what a Diva is all about; DIVERSE, INTELLIGENT, VERSATILE, ABLE and STRONG. At a time when people are more focused on feeling rejected, it’s even more important that we take responsibility to celebrate our differences , and create opportunity for others to discover who we are.”
Divas of colour was launched in 2014 as the largest gathering of world’s most influential women of colour. A special day to celebrate, recognise, reward and discover the best and contributions of women of colour from around the world.
Divas of colour is a whole day event featuring, fashion show, trade show, fundraising, entertainment and awards ceremony. The award recognises women of African , Asian and Caribbean origin and has since recognised women such as Prof Anionwu, Sherry Dixon, Hon Rep. Dee Dawkins of Georgia state USA and so many other women to mention a few.
Each year, Divas of colour chooses a charity championing a cause of their focus. Divas of colour has chosen and fundraised for Glowing Future (charity for Domestic violence victims), Depression alliance. This year, Divas of colour is focusing on child safety and protection and has chosen Girl Child Network Worldwide and Star Children Initiative.
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