Vivian Timothy Outstanding diva finalist ,Divas of colour 2016.

Vivian T Diva finalistsVivian Timothy is  a Nigerian resident in Augsburg Germany and a Virtaul Artist.

My  journey  began as a science student in Niger State Polytechnic Bida. As a growing young woman in Nigeria, she had a passion for creativity.  I would sketch, design and sew my own clothes. My sketch works were so good that I had other people coming to ask for my services. I yet did not pay attention to my creative Art ability.
Years later when I travelled to Germany, the latent quality of painting in me manifested. It started as a mere invitation of an old friend who visited and told me she was doing Art works i.e painting as a part time hobby. Like a streak of lightning it struck me that I also could put my painting ability to some part time use.
       I began playing with colors, creating the ideas and pictures that were crystallizing in  my memory. At first I was unsure of exposing my work to anybody for fear of criticism and rejection. But to greatest surprise, my flirting on canvas were greeted with pleasant expressions and encouragement. From then onwards, my brush did the talking for me.
Having come from a home Country and continent where there were a lot of sociopolitical and cultural anomalies, and being a stammerer, I decided that there was no other way to ventilate my discontent on our continental issues than through my virtual Art.
      My works deal with the social plight bedeviling the woman of Nigeria and the Niger Delta and women of Africa in general. My Art works speak with very heavy African Accent and not long after, strong attention began to be paid to my works.
      I have held quite a number of exhibitions in Augsburg, Bremen and other cities in Germany. I have also held exhibitions in London and also scheduled to hold some exhibitions USA this summer and Nigeria in autumn. I have also had a strong media followership in Vanguard Newspaper in Nigeria, the Local Newspapers and publications in Germany, Radio and Television appearances (BEN T.V.) London, Diamondcelebrities Germany, Golden Icon America, Melting Points Italy, Africandazzle UK and  others.
       I also won the 2015 BEFFTA  Award on Best spoken word Artist/Poets. I have also been nominated for other Awards.

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